I tried to bundle CHM file. Command which I use to open CHM file in my application below: ShellExecute(Application.Handle,'open','help.chm',nil,nil,SW_SHOWNOR MAL);

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I tried to bundle CHM file. Command which I use to open CHM file in my application below: ShellExecute(Application.Handle,'open','help.chm',nil,nil,SW_SHOWNOR MAL);

Sorry, but ShellExecute calls are not supported by XBundler. ShellExecute creates an external process and the embedded files in XBundler are only visible by the protected application, so the called process from ShellExecute cannot see the help file.


You need to call the Help file directly from your application (no using ShellExecute). Most programming languages have facilities to do that.


Please, notice that some programming languages open the Help file via FindFirstFile API, so, you need to enable the option "Hook FindFirst/Next File APIs" in the XBundler panel.