My (native) protected application fails to run after being protected. What can I do?

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My (native) protected application fails to run after being protected. What can I do?

If you are having problems with your protected native EXE/DLL, please, perform the following steps:


1)  Uncheck the option "Entry Point Virtualization" and protect again. This option is not compatible with all applications and this option might not be suitable for your application


If the application still fails, go to step 2)


2)  If you are using protection macros (like VM macros, etc), uncheck the option "Encrypt Strings in VM macros" (ANSI strings and UNICODE strings). If your application only works in UNICODE, do not set the ANSI string option. The same applies if your application is implemented with ANSI strings (do not check the UNICODE strings option). In any case, it's better to use the STR_ENCRYPT macro around those sensitive strings that you want to protect.


If the application still fails without the option "Encrypt Strings in VM macros", go to step 3)


3)  Uncheck the option "Advanced API-Wrapping". If the problem is coming from here, let us know please, so we can add support for it.


4)  If you are using XBundler, please, temporally uncheck the XBundler option, just to know if the problem is coming from there. In case that this option is the culprit of the problem, let us know please, so we can add support for it.


5)  If you are using different protection macros, maybe the problem is coming from a "bad" inserted macros. First, you can uncheck all macros to know if the problem is coming from there. To do so, please, *temporally* add the following line in the Advanced Options panel:




If the problem is coming from your inserted macros, please, check that you have not inserted one of the known macros restrictions. Please, check them here. Please, do not forget to remove the option "OPTION_MACROS_DISABLE_ALL_MACROS"


6) If the problem still persist, please, send us your unprotected application (or any other test compiled application) to reproduce the problem here and fix it for you. Of course, any files that you send us will be treated with total confidentiality.