Do I need to deliver VirtualizerDDK.sys (or some other *.sys) in installation package with my device driver?

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Do I need to deliver VirtualizerDDK.sys (or some other *.sys) in installation package with my device driver?

Your UNPROTECTED driver will link with VirtualizerDDK.sys but when you protect with Code Virtualizer, that link with VirtualizerDDK.sys is totally removed, so it does not need to be shipped with your protected driver.


In latest version of Code Virtualizer, we allow a new way to insert macros in 32/64-bit binaries (just linking with a x86/x64 assembly file, where the VIRTUALIZER_XXX macros are defined). Some programmers prefer this way to avoid linking their unprotected driver with VirtualizerDDK.sys.