I want to mark a license as stolen using WLRegDisableCurrentKey but not sure how to proceed. My application will communicate with my web server to check if the license is stolen. Please, help!

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I want to mark a license as stolen using WLRegDisableCurrentKey but not sure how to proceed. My application will communicate with my web server to check if the license is stolen. Please, help!

Notice that the function WLRegDisableCurrentKey, disables the license installed in the current computer.


If your application connects to your web server, you could implement something like this:


1) Your application starts and it sends to your server the registration information (WLRegGetLicenseInfo)


2) Your server replies if license status is OK (not stolen)


3) If license is reported as stolen from your server, then the server returns a special code to your application (like ExitCode = stolen_lic)


4) If your application receives "ExitCode = stolen_lic", then application executes "WLRegDisableCurrentKey" and the license will be banned in the current computer